Last Forever ever...

Last Forever ever...

Sunday 26 April 2015

Colmart Tropicale Bukit Tinggi Pahang - Restaurant Halal Certificate

Hello guys!

Apa khabar? Hopefully all of you are okay and happy happyyyyyyyy always with your family members.

Well for the next trip vacation with my lov lov, we planned to go Kota Kinabalu but since the ticket expensive on June 2015, we canceled the plan. After go through other blogger website, we planned to go to Bukit Tinggi, Pahang. I booked Colmart Tropicale Hotel for 4 days and 3 nights through Hahahahhaha its such along holiday right? 

Most of bloggers suggested maximum days 3 days and 2nights because the tour activities can only cover within the recommended days. Well, for us this vacation is not only for site seeing. We have this holiday due to take rest, spend a quality time together with the daughter and the important is to celebrate our 3rd anniversary. Huhuhuhuhuhu ....

After well planned, I have been informed that all the restaurants at Colmart Tropicale don't have Halal Certificate. Ohhh no!!! mmmm I'm very surprise and upset. Then I informed to my lov lov and we change our plan to Pulau Pangkor. Actually thats my mistake because I'm not check with Jabatan Agama Islam or at least call Colmart itself and asking about the Halal Certificate.

Within 2 days, I'm not satisfied by changing our trip to Pulau Pangkor. I already fall in love with Colmart Tropicale. I askd myself the purpose of having vacation. Both of us just only to spend together, chatting the whole day since both of "suami isteri jarak jauh" hehehe, spend quality time with the only daughter that we have, and if Allah permit us, insyallah I'll get pregnant during the vacation. After thinking few hours, then I pick up the phone (which supposed I should do from the beginning before I change my trip) and called Colmart Tropicale.

Surprisingly, Colamart Reservation's Officer informed me that they have Halal Certificate at the main Kitchen. Means that, the menu for the breakfast are cooked in the kitchen and same also the room service. Ohohhohoho.... nyesal tk check betul betul. In order to prove the statement, I checked at Jabatan Agama ISlam Pahang website. 

Halal Certificate at Colmart Tropicale

If you want to know the info please click the above lined sentence. 

There are 3 areas of kitchen in the La Bason Cafe which approved by JAKIM and as well have the Halal Certificate; the Cold Kitchen, the butchery Kitchen or the banquet Kitchen, and the Kitchen & La Blason Cafe (which serve the international foods-main cafe of the Hotel). So no worries to enjoy the red an white meat. Hehehehe

Then among the cafes outside the Colmart Tropicale DO NOT have the Halal Certificate EXCEPT, Kitchen & La Baoulangeri Cafe which have all types of pastry and bread.

Then, after confirmed and satisfied the Halal issues, I re-booked the room through

Ok, till then.....see you in my next entry for this vacation; absolutely after I come back hehehehe...

See you Colmart Tropicale!! 1 June - 4 June.

Bye bye....mmmuahhhh!!