Last Forever ever...

Last Forever ever...

Sunday 22 March 2015

Thai Odyssey Spa, The Guest Hotel and Spa, Lukut Port Dickson

Well, this entry is only for the spa.

I believe that all of you have heard about this spa. Thai Odyssey Spa at the Guest hotel n Spa is one of the brunches in Malaysia. They have won a lot of awards for this spa. Thai spa, Baliness Spa and other spa basically give different types of services.

For example Thai, their services of massage is totally different. They use their own energy and during the massage they will lock their arms with ours then they will the  stretch. It looks harsh but....the result, I feel goodd..oooooo I feel Good... hehehehe...

I have tried many types of massage, but with this massage you feel more relax and your body feels light like a feather. Hahahaha can you imagine? hehehehe teruk imaginasi I hehehe

Now, let us look Thai Odyssey Spa at this hotel huhu..

This the entrance of the spa. When you come to the spa, there will have someone who welcome you. This picture I got it from google. Hhehehe if I take picture during she welcome us, hahahaha sgt kelakar la kan kan kan..mcm tk betul je I nnti. hehehehe.

Sets of aoromatheraphy oil, soap and etc.

When you enter the spa, they will give you the menu and you have to select which one of the services that you request. Then make a payment. Later on the advisor will call the staff for the services.

This is the image at the lobby of the spa. Huhuhuhuhu cantikkn tenangkan.. Ouh before that, when you enter this spa you can smell lemon grass. I believe all spa in malaysia might be using the same fragrance.

Then we had directed by the staff to sit on this bench and they wash our feet. They wipe it and they give us a pair of slippers.

Later on, we have been directed to another room. My friend beside me. Hehehehe Then they down the light and looks so romantic. hehehehe..bestnyer ..then the massage begin. Before that, they give us a cup of tea. It is not a ginger tea but herbs tea. The taste like 'pandan'. Very tasty. hehehe nice

Well this picture is during the light has been switched to romantic scene. Hehehe BESTTT tk thau nk best...bila kena urut..

Once she massage me on my face, neck and shoulder, then she request me to sit on a small bench. Hehe this time I feel, oh no,,hehehe disturb my nap hoihohohoho she ask me to do exactly in the picutre..then she "krup krap" you can listen the noises all your bones. Hehehe power sebab I'm chubby . Can you imagine how strong she is. Hhehehe

Then after finished all the massage, then we change our shoes.

Here I share with you the menu of the spa. The price is not too expensive. Everyone afford it.

Recommended!!!! Ok Bye!!!

Review The Guest Hotel and Spa, Lukut Port Dickson

Hi there!

Morning!!! hehehe...Hows your weekend?

Wish your weekend are okay and fascinating. 

This time around, I would like to share with you a hotel that I stayed for 3 days and 2 nights at Lukut, Port Dickson. Actually it is not for vacation. Its more on training. My personal opinion, this training is a very good training. I learn a lot on how to become a good academician and how to prepare your slides more interesting. First Day of the training we learn only Web 2.0 and I believe that most of us don't know what is Web 2.0. The next day more on how to tackle students, how to motivate them to become more excellent and how learning process should be done. 

Then the last day, the trainer teach us what is Learning outcome and process outcome. How to suit and apply with the exams questions and syllabus of the subject. Overall this training known as Professional Academia Development Programme is a good program and there is also part 2. Whereas one of our slot of teaching for this coming short semester shall be recorded and during the PDPA (2) they will share with us the recorded tape. Hahahahaha...takuttt...

Well, if we look to the title, I'm not going to share all about my training. I want to share about the hotel actually.

During of this training, we had stayed at this Hotel, The Guest Hotel & Spa. This is the image of the main front of the hotel. Previously this hotel known as Grandpa Hotel but now its already change to The Guest Hotel and Spa.

Why they named it Spa? Well, absolutely there is spa in here. Hehehehehe very nice spa. I will share it with you later on. Heheheheh....

I drive by my own to this hotel and the rest of them went here by the university's bus. My friend and I reached here early actually. Supposed the training start at 12.30pm but we reached one hour earlier. Hehehehe terlebih awal. 

The hotel is a 3 stars hotel. It has lot of numbers of rooms. Since it is for training so definitely we have been allocate 2 persons for each room. Every person will be given a room card-key. This card-key shall be used in the elevator whereby we have to scan the card at the sensor then push the button of our room's level. I believe most of the hotel nowadays using the same technology at the lift. 

I share the room with adik Atiqah, a lovely person which I believe. At the beginning, I have to share it with Mrs Norihan but since she brings her family so Atiqah had replaced her.

Let me share with you the image of the room. This room is a superior room with twin bed sharing. Means that there are 2 super single bed. 

This is image at the front of the room. There is wardrobe, pantry and a place for us to put our luggage. 

 Area of the television. I believe that this hotel is a new hotel. It seems everything are new. Most of Port Dickson hotels are still using common tv which is not flat screen. I like this room because its comfort and huge space. not event that, they also provide few sockets and it is ease us to charge our phone and lappy.

Bathroom..semua ada..kecuali toothpaste and toothbrush.heheheheh

Overall this hotel is good. Its has swimming pool for adult (4 feet dept) and for kids (1 1/2 feet). The pool is located at 1st floor of the hotel. At the corner of the pool just in front of it, there is SPA or Thai Odyssey Spa. Services superb!!!....and the price of the spa is not too expensive. Everyone can afford it. At the end of the training, Atiqah and I went here. Both of us have a nice massge. For me, I'm taking half body massge. and she's take foot massage. It takes 30 minutes for the massage with RM55 excluded tax. Total for each massage is RM58. Hehehehe

Aghhhhh,,,,,,,,,BESTTTT sgt!!!!

The food at this hotel very nice and delicious. Even though its only 3 star hotel but the food services is good. Everyday they change their menu. Each menu should have meat/chicken, prawn/cuttlefish, vegetables, pasta,
dessert, fruits, ulaman (lunch & dinner), breakfast there have bread, kuih muih, nasi lemak, noodles, porridge and omelette. 

Okay..thats all..lets check out!!! hihihihi dadadada

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Happy Chinese New Year - Review Hotel 11@Century Johor


Hari ni Humaira demam. so nk balik awal. Tapi sebelum balik, tiba-tiba teringat ada cerita yang belum dikemas kini dalam ni.

Raya Cina batu-baru ni, lov lov cakap nk pergi Johor, tapi nnti dia fikir lg. So Aku tk dela nak booking bilik hotel kan. Dia cakap tk yah booking sbb nak balik hari kalau pergi. kita dengar je la pandaangan lov lov tu. Nanti tak dengar derhaka plak...kan kan..

Khamis petang lov lov kata ok jom lah kita pergi johor esok, gerak pukul 9.00 pagi. Bila dia ckp je mcm tu, aku pun mula google. Manalah tahu kot-kot nk tido sana kan.. well bila google, mana ada hotel lg dah..semuanya hotel penuh.

Hotel yang ada area johor baru,. Kitaorg nk pergi Kluang jer pun hehehehe... Tanya lov lov lg, hotel apa nk book in case kita nk tido. Dia ckp ala tk yah mahal-mahal..biasa-biasa je. Kita bukan nk pergi bercuti. Kita nk pergi jalan-jalan raya rumah kawan dia dkt Kluang jer.

Huihhh, apakah ini.. huhuhuhu

Oklah..since dia ckp mcm tu, akhirnya aku berjaya dapat hotel 11@ Century. Betul-betul berdekatan dengan KLS. Harga satu malam RM165 nett. Okla tu kalau takat nk tido satu malam kan.

Well parking lot dia terhad sangat. Tapi ada area parking disebelah kanan- kawasan tanah lapang jalan merah. Hanya pagar kawat biasa jer.

Bayangkan kitaorg dah la penat berhari raya Cina di rumah kawan lov lov di Kluang dari tghari sampai pukul 4pm, letih lagi, panaskan..Humairah plak biasalah manja-manja aku ckp lov lov parking la depan hotel ni kawasan VVIP tu hehehehehe...

Aku tanya guard depan tu boleh tak parking situ? Pak cik tu ckp..boleh tapi kena byr RM10. Lov Lov RM10 kena byar, hehehe so diaa ckp ok la RM10 hehehe bolehla..kita pun ala-ala VVIP jugak kan..hehehe ala bie..Civic je pun hehehee kalau Mercz ke BMW ke ok la jugak VVIP la tue..

Ada kisah lawak dekat kaunter check in. Hahaha aku sampai-sampai jer..tiba-tiba mamat tu ckp ok Puan ni kunci bilik Puan, satu level 2 dan satu lagi level 6. Aku tercengang-cengang. Eh knp sampai 2 kunci? Aik mcm mana awak tahu saya dah sampai. Tiba-tiba jer terus bg kunci. Power servis hotel ni. Tak sangka hotel 3 bintang power servis dia, mcm dukun pun ada boleh tahu siapa yang dtg. heheheheh...

Aku ckp lagi, mmm sy booking 1 bilik jer. Knp bg sampai 2 kunci. hehehe..tiba-tiba adik recep perempuan tu  ckp, Puan nk check in yer. Hehehehe diaorg gelak. Yang lelaki tu cover malu-malu. Dah la muka confidentnye bg kunci. Hhehehe adoii hai.

So, bilik aku tingkat 9 bilik nombor 916.

Ni laluan ke bilik..okla tenang. Cuma lif dia sempit sikit. Hehehehe kalau badan mcm aku ni boleh la masuk dalam 5 org jer. Hehehehehehe...

Cengginila rupanya bilik dia. Tapi ni gambar aku ambil dari google. Ni katil single ni tapi disebabkan aku nk gambaran yang lebih kurang aku tibai je gambar katil nie. Katil bilik deluxe adalah Queen sahaja atau twin sharing. Bilik kami queen jer. Buka pintu bilik jer dlm selangkah terus katil. Imaginekan sempit tk sempitnyer bilik ni. Tapi kira oklah sbb bilik ni harga kedua murah antara bilik yang ada.

Tv pun flat screen. Ada wardrobe, ada slipper, ada peti keselamatan, pembancuh kopi, air panas, cawan dan benda-benda biasalah. Kira berbaloi jugakla untuk harga RM165 kan. Mau apa lg kan kan..dah la cuti sekolah dan ditgh-tgh bandar ni. okla tuee..

Ini bathroom dia, hehehe separate dgn mangkuk tandas. Ok. Ada tuala mandi, berus gigi, ubat gigi, shower cap, shamppoo, shower foam.

Bagi aku, lain-lain biasa jer lah bilik hotel. Aircond ada..hehehehe

Cuma yang tk bestnyer ialah masa sarapan. Fuihh ramai gile org... tk menang tgn pekerja diaorg untuk uruskan meja lagi, uruskan pinggan mangkuk yang dah digunakan. Kemudian, makanan pun byk yang dh habis. Lambat refill. Pinggan mangkuk yg bersih tk der. Mmm..lebih kurang 5 minit jugakla tunggu untuk pinggan magkuk dan cawan bersih sampai. Ada makanan yang diaorg tk refill pun. Mmm tk berapa best la kan. Dah ko byr RM165, so ko nk servis mkn tip top ke? de la..cuma imaginekan ynag bayar bilik harga RM500 hehehehe sbb dkt sini ada suite..imaginekan..hahahhahaa giler tk maki. Kalau aku byr bilik harga tu, confirm aku dah buat complan dekat kaunter dia.

apa pun, hotel ini ok jer...boleh la..bersih, kemas, ada tunjuk arah kiblat. Cuma ruang untuk solat sempit so aku solat atas katil jer...hehehehe...

Lepas breakfast, kitaorg pun check out terus balik ke melaka. Sebab ahad, lov lov nk balik ke Pahang untuk meneruskan kursusnya semula..heheheh..cian Humaira baru merasa manja dgn ayah, ayah dah balik..

Tak per lah nak, bulan 6 ayah tk kursus. Kalau boss ayah hantar ayah kursus lg, ibu fired bos ayah tu..boleh? hehehehehe....

ok..Bye bye---

Humaira lambai tgn nak.."ADIOS"!! hehehehe..good good..

Tu tgk tu beg..belikan kawasan free duty JB mlm tadi..hehehe..tu yg disandang ke hulu hilir..

Nak balik, jam dah 12 tghari ...nak pick up Humaira yang tgh demam tu then nk cooking utk ayah..hehehe pagi td tk sempat nk ooking sblm pg keje sbb humaira berkepit.

Tata titi tutut tutututu....

Begitulah percutian pendek dan tidak terancang...heheheheh..2 beg kecik jer..satu beg humaira, satu beg ibu ayah, satu raga susu humaira dgn makanan dia...hehehehe..simple...