Last Forever ever...

Last Forever ever...

Monday 22 December 2014 December 2014

MMphhh ... yesterday my father in law has been warded because of his blood pressure. Oh my God!!!...the reading is 209!!!....

I'm very worried about his condition. My kak Long (the eldest children in the family) has brought my father in law to Hospital Putra and the doctor said he should be warded. He has been brought to ICU and all the nurse will closely monitored him.

Abah... Ani tahu you are a businessman but please put aside your handphone for few have to take care of your health first abah...

I went to the hospital yesterday and the nurse told me that he has given with blood pressure medicine and he should rest. I asked Kak Long to take away his mobile and I told him, "abah..don't use phone for awhile okay..Kak long will jaga the phone"...I bring Kak Long for having lunch and we will come shortly.

After taken our lunch, Kak Long leave the hospital to take my mother in law to bring to the hospital.

I went up at Level 5 the ICU unit, silently I'm hiding behind the curtain and saw my father in law sleeping soundly. I read his blood reading, the reading slowly reduced instead of 209 becomes to 182.
It almost 2 o'clock..I have a class after that, so I leave my Father in law on the bed.

Every 1 hour I called the hospital and asking his condition, and the nurse said that his reading keep going reduced. At 4 O'clock I called again, my father in law just finished CT scan and the doctor waiting the result.

Alhamdulillah, no bad news for the result, my father in law condition is good but the hospital will keep monitor his blood pressure reading.

Thanks to Allah, this morning the reading becomes 147. My lov lov also  get leave from his boss and he had drove from KL to Melaka around 4 o'clock in the morning and now he at Hospital Putra taking care of my father in law.

Hopefully my father in law will get better and today he can transfer to normal ward.

Alright, till then...I will continue writing again...I got class..BYE!!

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