Last Forever ever...

Last Forever ever...

Monday 22 December 2014 December 2014

MMphhh ... yesterday my father in law has been warded because of his blood pressure. Oh my God!!!...the reading is 209!!!....

I'm very worried about his condition. My kak Long (the eldest children in the family) has brought my father in law to Hospital Putra and the doctor said he should be warded. He has been brought to ICU and all the nurse will closely monitored him.

Abah... Ani tahu you are a businessman but please put aside your handphone for few have to take care of your health first abah...

I went to the hospital yesterday and the nurse told me that he has given with blood pressure medicine and he should rest. I asked Kak Long to take away his mobile and I told him, "abah..don't use phone for awhile okay..Kak long will jaga the phone"...I bring Kak Long for having lunch and we will come shortly.

After taken our lunch, Kak Long leave the hospital to take my mother in law to bring to the hospital.

I went up at Level 5 the ICU unit, silently I'm hiding behind the curtain and saw my father in law sleeping soundly. I read his blood reading, the reading slowly reduced instead of 209 becomes to 182.
It almost 2 o'clock..I have a class after that, so I leave my Father in law on the bed.

Every 1 hour I called the hospital and asking his condition, and the nurse said that his reading keep going reduced. At 4 O'clock I called again, my father in law just finished CT scan and the doctor waiting the result.

Alhamdulillah, no bad news for the result, my father in law condition is good but the hospital will keep monitor his blood pressure reading.

Thanks to Allah, this morning the reading becomes 147. My lov lov also  get leave from his boss and he had drove from KL to Melaka around 4 o'clock in the morning and now he at Hospital Putra taking care of my father in law.

Hopefully my father in law will get better and today he can transfer to normal ward.

Alright, till then...I will continue writing again...I got class..BYE!!

December 2014..Ada Suka Ada Duka...

Salam semua.....

Last week my father has been admitted ward for a week. He loss his appetite and some more on 2 last saturday he had vomited a lot from 12.30am until 7.30 o'clock in the morning. Me also did not sleep well and luckily my daughter sleep soundly for the whole night.

I told my lov lov..Ayah vomit a lot and the last vomited the color of the liquor came out from his stomach turns black color already. My lov lov then take his bath and start the engine. He lift up my father and brought to the car.

Bibik we leave her and we drove straight away to the Hospital Pantai. At the beginning my mother asked us to go to Hospital Alor Gajah Melaka. I told my mother, cannot because the treatment so slow and some more my father is totally weak. We should get a better medicine for my father.

Once we reached at the hospital, the male nurse come over and move my father into the bed and pull him to the Emergency. One of the nurse get further information from my mother and myself and asked us to register my father. In the meantime the whole team of the nurses gathered my father and give the necessary treatment.

All of us looks anxious and tired because the whole night we don't sleep well.

Later on the doctor called us and he told us that our father should be admitted. I say yes..okay. Then the nurse gave me a form for me to register the admission. Luckily in my purse I have RM3 K. Its quite shocked because previously the admission cost is only RM1000 but now its has been increased to RM3K. Fuihhhhh!!!!!.... Medical treatment become expenses nowadays.

Note: To those don't have medical insurance, please get it now. Seriously the medical expenses  is very expensive!!!

Once the salted water has been injected into my father's body he looks better.

After the admission processed has been done, I told my mother I have to follow my lov lov to Kuala Lumpur because to accompanied him to pick up something from our house at KL for his preparation for closing ceremony of his training.

After 3 days warded, the doctor suggest us to do a minor operation at my father' stomach because my father didn't want to eat by oral. He just depend on the tube from his nose. The operaiton actually to put a bag at my father stomach and we can give him food directly from the stomach.

Seriously, I didn't agreed at all!!..But 2 of my brothers agreed with the doctor suggestion. If such operation will be done, lot of things will come over after that.

Everyday after solah I pray to Allah asking the Greatest to make my brothers heart soft and they can think twice or event more the disadvantage of the operation.

Alhamdulillah, God listen my prayer and my along say, ok...we don't do the operation and we try giving food to my father by oral and the tube for the milk.

Syukur to Allah, after discharge from the hospital my father become better and better but we still giving milk to him by the tube and feed him by oral.

My father now becomes better and better. Every day I will cook for him "pindang ikan'. Now he can eat at least 4 spoons of rice for each meal. "Semoga allah buka selera ayah".

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Do the Bekam at Sutra Maya Spa

Hi Alls,

Yesterday I went for "Bekam" at the near Spa with my office. Why I went for the cupping? Last week, 3 days I have got headache and I vomited a lot. Hahaha anyway I lost 1 kilos only. hehehehe...

Well I have take ginger drink. I cut few pieces of ginger and boiled it and when the water is warm, then I drank it. So comfortable.

But I still headache. Then I google and find out what else the solution to end my headache. I found a spa mentioning about 'bekam'. The implication of bekam is to cure 75 decease and its quite interesting.

I called the spa and make an appointment with the lady.

Oh..before that the Spa name is "Sutra Maya Spa'. Its located near Kota Fashion, MITC melaka.

When I reached the building, I felt that "what?!! this is the Spa? The building do not show that there is spa in this building. Its not same with the picture I saw in the internet. Anyway, I'm here and I thought, okay...just go and will see hows they conduct their service.

The moment I step my foot on the spa's stairs, ok..its look nice..along the steps they arrange few stones and there is candle as well as have a nice lemon grass smells.

Upon reached the door, I have been given a warm welcome from the a young girl and she said 'please come over here'. Actually I'm quite surprise because I didn't tell yet my name and she just accompanied me to the service room.

This is the lobby of the Spa..very nice...its look like Bali and Malay contemporary. decoration.

Along the way to the bekam's room I can smell the lemon grass and I have been welcome with the Bali's music. Hahahaha WOW!! hehehehe I never thought that this building have a such wonderful scene... So..please don't judge the book by its cover....hehehehe

then the girl gave me a 'kain batik', panty and a head plastic cover ...I asked her, do you know which package I take? And she said that, its Pawana Package right? what's Pawana Package? She explained me, you take sauna + massage + Bekam and the price is RM199. are right girl..hehehe...I don't how she knows me the correct person do the package...heheh because there are also few customer there..heheeh

After changing my clothes, I do the sauna....for 30 minutes

                                           hehehe this is not my picture.. I google it....

After 30 minutes, I have been given a hot cup of water...thennn  massage time... hohohohohooho....the girl who do the massage have a very powerful hand..she is very slim...but she got a strong hand... all my bones gave few noise "grpp''grppp''....hehehe she climb on my back and she press her hand on my back.. BUT before she do so..she said "Mdm, allow me"... I said Ok..hehehe please do whatever you like... hehehe well I came her for the service actually.. hahaha

The bed that used for the massage and the Bekam..

                                              Bekam's equipment

I thought bekam we have to bold our head and they will shave all the hairs behind my back... BUT its not!!!.. hehehe well I still have my hair...horrayy..If not my husband will pengsan!! kikiki

After finished 3 hours ... then I have been given a hot cup of ginger... huiihhh..bestnyer...

hihihi ..

Okay guys..its recommended for you to come here... very nice place and as well the service is tip top...

But, next time I want to try other massage at Melaka Town behind the Costa Ria Hotel.


Tuesday 25 November 2014

....continue plan to Langkawi...

hehehehe Assalammualaikummmm....

Today I have booked the flight ticket... go to Langkawi, I booked premium seat and return from Langkawi only standard seats.

Saja nak rasa the different premium seat and standard seat. apa yang istimewanya air Asia bagi untuk premium seats because we have to pay extra RM20 from the standard seats. huhuhuhuhu.....

Its very long time I don't flew....almost 4 years I guess ...since the day I back from Bali with my family members...hehehehe... Now I'm married, so inilah peluang untuk naik flight with husband.

Next year both of us target to go to Australia...hehhe meet his friend at Canberra, one of the City in Australia. Most of the Australia Government Offices are there.

Ok..we leave it... now focus on our plan to langkawi....

Sebagai bukti tiket dah beli..jeng jeng jeng hehehehe


Jom kita prepare bahan untuk lecture malam ni....kikikiki

Byee.... sambung di lain waktuu...kalau ada masa terlebih...

Thursday 20 November 2014

Langkawi vacation's plan

Assalammualaikum Semua Readers!!!

Well..after many years I'm not post anything or writing any blog... Now I'm back!!! hoyeayyy!!!
Yeah be academician, I have plenty of time to do writing..hehehehe... I like...

Alright... within 2 years of our marriage, we got a daughter, named Humaira Batrisyia. Now she is 1 year and 6 months old. Very naughty, active and talkative as well. hehehehe and one more thing she likes acting like she's adult..hehehe tak tahu la mana dan siapa dia ikut... like stand in front of the mirror and acting combs her hair...hehehe me and my husband always laugh at her heheheh.. my sweet child...

Ok..skrg my husband's got courses at Sg Udang Champ. Now he almost complete one month, have to go another 4 weeks to complete his Kawad's courses. Disebabkan kesian melihat my husband yg bertungkus lumus berkursus hehehe so I suggest to my husbnad to go for a holiday after he finish his training.

So we agreed to plan our vacation at Langkawi on 25 december 2014 for 3 Days and 2 nights. Well this week I have successfully booked the hotel after google many times. We choose Resort World hotel at Langkawi. Previously its known ad Awana Porta Malai. Only garden view room left...huhuhuhuhu.. Mula2 ingat nk cari hotel lain dah tk de...Holiday Villa penuh, Aseana Resort Penuh...  four Point ada kawan kata jauh dar Pantai Cenang, tk happening...

Nanti kalau tk book..memang tk dpt... heheh after viewing other people comment on that hotel, So I decided to book the Resort. Somemore tgk dkt picture cnatik..mcm dkt harbour jer hehehe memang dkt pun heehheeh...

The Reservation Officer then confirm the reservation and send the booking form...hehehe payment mesti buat sebelum 1 December 2014.

ooops sblm tu...cuti aku mcm mana? hahahaha kena check..kalau bertembung dgn kelas..tarra boleh ambik cuti yer... so hari ni dalam tutor kelas aku tanya student..

Thanks to Allah... its trimester break heheheh woowww weee..yes yess...orait payment shall be done on next monday.